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Schedule of Speakers
Friday, April 4, 2025 9a.m-5p.m
Saturday, April 5, 2025 9a.m-7p.m
Sunday, April 6, 2025 9a.m.-5p.m
Friday April 4, 2025
Welcome greetings from the Energy Worker's Summit Organizers
What can you do with Herbs?
Presented by: Beth Brueggeman
Beth has been utilizing herbs in her everyday life for 3+ years, she started out making Herbal Infusions and has worked her way up to making Salves, Tinctures, Deodorants, Chap Sticks, Lip Balms and is currently doing research on how to make Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash and Children Care Products.
During her presentation you will learn how to make Herbal Decoctions, Infusions and Teas. She will also be doing a couple of Herbal Gift Basket Drawings at the end of her presentation. Both Zoom and In Person Participants will be included in the drawings!
Emotional Roots
Presented by: Susan Hol
Susan is a Teacher, Researcher, and Energy Worker. She is certified in multiple modalities within energy work and holistic health including Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Reiki, Radionics, Dowsing/Applied Kinesiology, and others with additional independent studies in many other techniques.
During her presentation she will share how emotions, feelings, beliefs, and judgements can cause physical symptoms. Explore how we inherit, absorb, and create emotional blocks to healing, becoming successful, and even having good relationships. She will discuss different developmental stages and how they have impacted our lives as well as learn a few ways of finding and releasing/replacing those emotions and dissolving those blocks that are keeping us from living our best lives.
Presented by: Mike Harris
Mike is classically educated as a Chemical Engineer, enabling a 40 year career with several Global Organizations to Design, Construct, Operate and Troubleshoot production facilities in the Energy and Chemical Industries. In 2016, after moving back to Colorado, Mike formed a consultancy to provide Engineering and Operational Expertise which led him into fledging Hemp industry. Observing the widespread use of inappropriate methods, Mike joined with others to form companies that "do it right" from "start to finish" to deliver amazing products and health benefits.
Mike's presentation will talk about Supplementing and/or avoiding conventional pharma-based medicine by leveraging the health benefits of Hemp derived products with an amazing blend of Cannabinoids, Terpenoids, Aromatics and Carotenoids.
Food Preservation-Freeze Drying
Presented by: Gina Barkovitch
Gina Barkovitch, a homesteading farmer and fiber artist, promotes and teaches
various methods of food preservation. Join this class and learn the valuable benefits
of freeze drying, which can preserve food for 25 years or more.
Almost anything can be freeze dried, including raw or cooked meats, veggies, fruits, soups, stews, casseroles, stir-fry dishes with rice, chili, lasagna, scrambled or raw
eggs, milk, ice cream, yogurt, candies, snacks, and so on, which can be rehydrated later tasting like it was just freshly prepared. Freeze-drying is especially great for
people with allergies or dietary restrictions and a desire for greater food security. In this class, see first-hand how to prepare, load, operate and package long-term storage food with a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer for quick meals, emergencies, hiking, camping, etc. while preserving the highest nutritional value (97%) and least amount of storage space, also known as survival MRE’s (meals ready-to-eat).
Gina had southern grandparents who pressure-canned, pickled and jellied everything from the garden as well as from hunting. She has carried on and expanded that tradition, running two farms and preserving what she grows through various home methods including freeze-drying, pressure-canning, retort canning, dehydrating, savory and sweet jams, salt and vinegar fermenting and pickling, including a stint in wine and cheese-making.
Light, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) and Time Waver
Presented by: John Myser
John Myser is a life long learner and funster. John is a master at Frequency Healing and has been called a Frequency Biohacker by his peers! A man among Persons
Have a great night!
Saturday April 5, 2025
Chem Trails
Presented by: Julian Northey
Julian is a research scientist, trained at the University of Toronto with graduate degrees in biochemistry/biophyics as well as molecular genetics. In recent years he has further equipped himself with some training in traditional Chinese medicine integrative approaches, Biogeometry "Advanced" energetic techniques, a HarvardX medical course, Orthomolecular approaches, COSMODIC:ENS, all to try and help those with chronic issues and without progress in allopathic approaches.
In 1891, a patent was issued entitled, “Method of producing rain-fall”. Since then, there has been an ongoing endeavour to bring various technological approaches to weather and atmospheric modification. What began with experimenting with various chemical formulations, some still in use today, the industry has likely evolved into a hybrid approach utilizing nanotechnology and quantum-based techniques. The presenter has analyzed almost every patent listed in the public database that has potential connection to weather modification and will attempt to summarize the most important facts and concepts relevant to the energy worker.
Thermography-The alternative to Mammograms
Presented by: Dr. Patti Bartsch
Dr. Patti Bartsch is a Traditional Naturopath and Owner of Naturally Unbridled Wellness in Onalaska, WI. She utilizes Bio-Energetic Scanners, PEMF, Cold Laser, Thermography, Brain Tap and other technology along with Homeopathy, Herbs and Nutrition to support her Clients wellness goals.
Bonus Free Session
Is the Energy in your house making you sick?
Presented by: Rev. Scott Ertl
Rev. Scott is a Master Dowser, Radionics Operator/ Teacher and Manufacturer for many years. For the last 20+ years, he has done Stray Voltage, Geopathic and other weird energy work and therefore developed the Ertlizer to remediate many of these issues. In 2018, he started Infinity Mission with his fiancé Beth and started building a new line of Radionic Equipment, known as Lightning Radionics with features that have never been seen before in this industry. Rev. Scott also continues his life long passion in Organic Hay and Crop Farming.
Quantum Frequency Healing
Presented by: Brad Johnson
Brad has a 16yr background in wireless engineering and waveform propagation and modulation. Spooky2 GOLD Certified training for the last 3yrs helping raise their vibrational frequency.
Bandwidth of Blessings
Heaven & Earth as divine potentials and the tune-ability of soil and soul.
Presented by: Chris Winters
Chris Winters is a vegetable farmer, medical Qigong practitioner and innovator of Electroculture equipment. For nearly 15 years, he, his wife and son have operated an organic farm in Tennessee with a focus on nutrient density, life force and moral sourcing. Years of field-testing inventing, research in comprehensive electroculture have coalesced with classical medical Qigong, radionics, and soil alchemy to now bring forth The Fertile Current as an offering to the world community
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
Presented by: Rev. Scott Ertl
Rev. Scott is a Master Dowser, Radionics Operator/ Teacher and Manufacturer for many years. For the last 20+ years, he has done Stray Voltage, Geopathic and other weird energy work and therefore developed the Ertlizer to remediate many of these issues. In 2018, he started Infinity Mission with his fiancé Beth and started building a new line of Radionic Equipment, known as Lightning Radionics with features that have never been seen before in this industry. Rev. Scott also continues his life long passion in Organic Hay and Crop Farming.
Presented by: Tim Lippert
Tim Lippert is the founder of Quantum Life Mission. He has done Radionics, Naturopathic, and Alternative Health work for clients in 44 States, Belize, Mexico, Great Britain, and the Philippines. He owns and operates one of the most elaborate Radionic Labs in North America. His specialties include Agricultural and Environmental Consulting, Geo-Biology, Water Treatment, Mold, Myco-Toxins, Lyme Disease, Sleep Apnea, eliminating Allergies, Spiritual issues, Polarity, Magnetism, and Electrical Systems of the body.
Have a great night!
Sunday April 6, 2025
Shattering Past Limits & Activating your Hearts Intelligence
Presented by: Jim Bix
We live our lives based on what we believe about the world, ourselves, and our capabilities and our limits. What if those beliefs weren't so. Shattering False Limits & Activating your Hearts Intelligence. How we affect each other, Heart intelligence, becoming co-creator of your world and surroundings and Power of touch and belief is some of the things Jim will be sharing with you.
Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
Presented by: Natasha Valnes-Jorgenson
Natasha Valnes-Jorgenson is from Aberdeen, SD. I own my business "Vibrant Life" in which I offer whole health and holistic services including Reiki, Vedic Thai Bodywork, Access Bars, Emotion Code, Polychromatic Light Therapy, Somatic Yoga, Ionic Cell Cleanses and Sound Therapy. My Sound Therapy sessions include a variety of crystal and metal bowls, chimes and a variety of tuning forks.
Bio Electricity & Optimal Wellness
Presented by: Margo Johnson
Our emotions create our bio-electricity. Discomfort and dysfunction in the body is due to a disruption in the body’s bio-electrical system. When every part is working as it was designed, a harmonious symphony is created. Learn how energy flows in your bio-electrical meridian system and how we block flow. I teach ways to care for body/mind/emotions to begin our journey to self-heal
Margo Johnson is an AcuEnergetics Practitioner, Wellness Balancer, Meditation Teacher. Solex Quantum Living Advocate and Botanist. She became a Wellness Balancer and then Practioner in 2017 with the first group of Practitioners in the United States. After many years working in a plant physiology lab or managing a veterinary clinic, a door opened for Margo to follow her new interests. She was gifted with knowledgeable mentors in quantum and energetic wellness.
Mind Over Matter-
Using Hypnosis in Energy Healing
Presented by: Maria Petrenko
We will talk about maintaining sanity in the crazy world, self-help techniques, getting into the resourceful state of mind to remain centered and in control.
Here is how hypnosis helps: hypnosis is a natural state in which the mind is more suggestible. In fact, usually even without knowing it, we go in and out of different levels of hypnosis every day. When this state is used purposefully, you can enlist your subconscious to embrace your conscious goals and release what no longer serves you. You are more powerful than you know.
Maria Petrenko is a Certified Hypnotherapist with a private practice in Plymouth, Minnesota.
Having studied with energy masters, shamans, and healers on three continents she offers a unique way of assisting people in reconnecting to who they are, restoring balance and bringing more joy into life. She also has a graduate degree in linguistics, that helps in crafting just the right message for every person.
Presented by: Robin Hermanson
Robin is a retired Engineer, Certified Organic Farmer. In order to withstand the rigors of organic farming, and in an effort to keep his pilot’s license into an old age, Robin has researched the RBTI for balancing body chemistry in order for longevity and freedom from degenerative diseases.
Thank you and Closing Remarks
Thank you and Closing Remarks from the Energy Worker's Summit Organizers, comments/remarks from attendees.
Thank you for a great Summit, we are looking forward to seeing you all next year!
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